Academy for Real ESTATE LLC in Ocean County
I am definitely a slow learner and not a good test taker. One of the instructors Linda definitely took extra time with me,, And they allowed me to take the course twice... I passed my real estate exam on the 2nd try.. I feel that any one of your standard schools would have not gone the extra measure. The Academy for real estate careers definitely made the difference.I was lucky I chose this school and I think you should too.
MoreIf you want to learn and pass the Real Estate exam, go take the class with Linda. A wealth of knowledge and information, great teacher, and go to every class and pay attention. I passed the test the first time I took it, and never studied outside of class. She is that good.
MoreWent here for real estate schools and Linda is a great teacher who cares about her students passing the state exam. They help you alot with understanding the crazy laws of the real estate world and how to register for the exam as well.
MoreSilky has a great way of communicating with his students and has many examples that he uses that make all his lessons clear. He also is great with entertaining people, which avoids his classes being boring.
MoreNever a dull moment with Silky. Informative and entertaining, could there be a better way to learn ?