Southwell Gastroenterology in Lowndes County
My fiancé and I went in for a follow up visit with Dr. Woods. He had not even looked at his nurse practitioners notes. She had my fiancé take a treatment therapy for H. Pylori a month ago for 14 days then ordered a stool test before he was due to return back for his follow up appointment to see if the medication had eradicated the H. Pylori. he dismissed my fiancé symptoms and told him he was going to order a stool test to even see if he still had the bacteria or not. We informed him that last week we had just done the stool lab and his response was "who ordered that". HIs bed side manners in office yesterday was horrible. After feeling around my fiancé stomach he then asked "so what else is going on" . My fiancé informed him that he had been having heart palpitations severely at night. Dr. Woods immediately said "that has nothing to do with H. Pylori you need to go see your primary doctor." I informed him that found where other patients with H. Pylori too had experienced severe heart palpitations at night. I also informed him that my first cousin had the bacteria a year ago and had experienced the same with chest pains, nausea, and vomiting. Dr. Woods cut me off while I was speaking and responded " again like I just said that has nothing to do with H. Pylori Ive been doing this since 19** and if you cant respect my medical sound decision then you can go somewhere else" He then continued being rude and passive aggressive with saying we can go elsewhere again and how of all the patients he has ever seen zero have complained of heart palpitations. My fiancé and him exchanged words in front of me and Dr. Woods assistant. Things became quiet and Dr. Woods said "the tension seems very high in here so what is it that you all would like" My fiancé told him he was the doctor he wanted answers for why none of the medication seems to be working and that he is in extreme pain and discomfort. I even went on to pull up my fiances lab workup from his primary care to show Dr. Woods how my fiance had been having elevated magnesiums levels, elevated protein, low white blood count, something with liver enzymes, etc. etc. The doctor still insisted that this had nothing to do with H. Pylori. He then told us that there was this new treatment that had been used only on three of his patients and suppose to be the best and he would like for my fiancé to try it. My fiancé asked for the name of it and Dr. Woods said he had to look it up since he had only given it to three patients. He comes back with the name of the medication Telicia and my fiancé informs him that he has already taken that. His response was " when did you take this its very new". My fiancé said " your nurse practitioner gave it to me right before the last treatment. " Dr. Woods then stood there looking puzzled and said "okay so heres what we can do. We can either try another treatment therapy or refer you out to one of the bigger specialist like Emory or Shands in Gainesville.